October 21, 2024
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Cookies policy

Further information on the use of cookies on this site

This document, pursuant to Regulations UE 679/16 (“General Data Protection Regulation”), provides users general information about cookies used.

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that collect information as regards user preferences, which are stored in your internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) in order to improve your browsing experience and personalize content based on the user’s preferences.

By browsing on this site, your computer will receive third part cookies; there are elements on the website that are hosted on servers other than that on which the page you requested is located.

Cookies are used to perform authentications, monitor sessions and store specific information about users accessing the server in order to improve the browsing experience and make it as personalized as possible.

Cookies used on this site

This site only uses technical cookies, with respect to which, pursuant to GDPR, does not require user consent.

The site uses

  • Technical cookies are required for user navigation and necessary for the proper functioning of certain areas of the site. Without these cookies, the site, or portions of it, may not work properly. Therefore, they are always used, regardless of the user preferences.
  • Technical functional cookies that facilitate user navigatio.n
  • Until its expiry, the technical cookie allows for the informational banner to not be displayed to users who have already visited the site and accepted the cookie.

All of the cookies listed above can be used without requesting the user’s consent, as they are strictly necessary for the provision of the service.

cookies used on the website

Some third-party cookies are installed, including profiling cookies, which are activated by clicking “I agree” on the banner or continuing to browse the site. The details of individual third-party cookies are below, as well as links through which users can obtain more information and request deactivation.

Google Analytics

The website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. that uses cookies stored on the user’s computer to allow statistical analyses in aggregate form as regards site usage. Data generated by Google Analytics are stored by Google as indicated in the informational note, available click here.

To view the privacy policy of Google Inc., the independent owner of the processing of data relating to the Google Analytics service click here

Through this link, Google provides a browser add-on in order to deactivate Google Analytics. click here

Social network

Social buttons are buttons on the site that allow users to interact directly with social networks with a “click”.

They are used by this site as links that refer to the owner’s accounts or that of the user to specific social media networks. Through the use of these buttons, third-party cookies are not installed on the site. Users can view the privacy policy on the management of data by the social media networks to which the buttons refer below.

Twitter Policy Link
Facebook Policy Link
Linkedin Policy Link
Google+ Policy Link
Pinterest Policy Link

Web Fonts

Google Fonts is a service from Google Inc. that allows custom font styles to be incorporated and displayed. It can collect usage data by means of cookies.

Google Policy Link

YouTube e Vimeo

YouTube (owned by Google Inc.) and Vimeo are services for viewing video content with the ability to integrate videos within website pages. Both collect usage data by means of cookies.

YouTube Policy Link
Vimeo Policy Link

Processing method

Processing is performed with automated tools, and it is not shared or communicated.

Data provision

Except for technical cookies strictly necessary for normal navigation, the provision of data is voluntary on behalf of users browsing the site, after having read the policy contained in the appropriate banner and use the services that imply the installation of cookies.

Retention of cookies

The use of cookies will be in full compliance with the GDPR for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, no longer than 3 years from their collection.

Disabling cookies

Notwithstanding that indicated above, cookies are strictly necessary for site navigation, and users can eliminate other cookies directly via their browser. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. Specific instructions can be obtained through the link below.

You can manage different kind of cookies for provide use authorization even after having granted it by clicking here: Cookies settings

However, each browser has different procedures for manage settings. User can obtain specific instructions at the links below.

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari

Disabling third-party cookies is also possible through the procedures made available directly from the third-party company responsible for processing, as indicated at the links listed under “Third-party cookies used on the website.”

User rights

Users may exercise their rights under Regulations UE 679/16 at any time by contacting the data processing owner via email.

Reservation Request

If you want to receive the best offers for your stay in Cortona, please send this form to request availability in the accommodation facilities of Cortonaweb. You will directly receive the best offers of our hotels, B&Bs and farmhouses for the selected period, for information only and without any booking obligation.
  • I’m interested in staying in Cortona during the following period:
  • Accommodation type