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Contact and useful information

On this page you will find a list of addresses, useful information and phone numbers.
Some telephone numbers may have been changed; we can not guarantee the accuracy of all the information provided, but we’ll provide to keep it regularly updated.
We invite all the users to report any incorrect details or additional data by writing us an e-mail to contact@cortonaweb.net.

Ambulances and “Misericordia”

Medical EmergencyPh. 118
Misericordia di CortonaPiazza Amendola, 2Ph. +39 0575 630707
Misericordia di CamuciaVia Aldo Capitini, 8Ph. +39 0575 604770
Misericordia di TerontolaVia I Maggio, 42Ph. +39 0575 67026


Police Emergency NumberPh. 112
Station in CortonaVia Dardano, 9Ph. +39 0575 603690
Station in CamuciaVia Gandhi, 11Ph. +39 0575 603102
Station in MercatalePiazza del Mercato, 11Ph. +39 0575 619019
Station in TertontolaVia dei Combattenti, 11Ph. +39 0575 67027

Catholic Churches

ChiesaAdressOrario messe festive
Cathedral of S. Maria AssuntaPiazza Duomo, Cortona11:00am
Church of San DomenicoLargo Beato Angelico, CortonaWinter 6:00pm
Summer 6:30pm
Church of San FilippoVia Roma, Cortona8:30am
Sanctuary of S. MargheritaS. Margherita, Cortona8:00am – 10:00am – 6:00pm
Hermitage le CelleLoc. Cappuccini, Cortona10:30am – 5:30pm

On Saturday the Mass is celebrated in the Church of San Filippo at 5pm (in the summer at 6pm) and in the Sanctuary of Santa Margherita at 6pm.


Farmacia CentraleVia Nazionale, 38 - CortonaPh. +39 0575 603206
Farmacia Dr. RicciLoc. Tavarnelle, 57/CPh. +39 0575 612517
Farmacia Dr. BianchiVia Matteotti, 4 - CamuciaPh. +39 0575 603107
Farmacia ComunaleVia Sandrelli, 4 - CamuciaPh. +39 0575 62929
Farmacia Dr. ChiodiniVia Mazzini, 44 - MercatalePh. +39 0575 619015
Farmacia Dr. BoncompagniVia XX Settembre, 41 - TerontolaPh. +39 0575 67090
Farmacia Dr. ChiarabolliLocalità Montecchio del Loto, 89/CPh. +39 0575 618480

Emergency medical service

CortonaOspedale Santa Margherita, FrattaPh. +39 0575 639055
MercataleMercatalePh. +39 0575 619258

The service is available from Monday to Friday from 8pm to 8am.
At week-ends it is available from Saturday at 10am to Monday at 8am.
The emergency medical service in Mercatale is only available on Sunday and during public holidays from 8am to 8pm.

Markets in the Comune of Cortona

CortonaPiazza SignorelliSaturday
CamuciaPiazza SergardiThursday
MercatalePiazza CostituzioneTuesday
TerontolaViale MichelangeloTuesday

The local markets take place once a week on the main squares of the villages around Cortona from 7am to 1pm.


Police Emergency ServicePh. 113
Local Police in CortonaVia Roma, 7Ph. +39 0575 637225
Traffic PolicePh. +39 0575 35931
Forest Fire ControlVia Luca Signorelli, 16Ph. +39 0575 603684

Public services

Comune di CortonaPiazza della Repubblica, 1Ph. +39 0575 6371
Fax +39 0575 603415
HospitalLoc. Fratta, CortonaPh. +39 0575 6391
Post Office in CortonaVia Benedetti, 2/8 - CortonaPh. +39 0575 603021
Emergency Road ServicePh. 116
Fire DepartmentLoc. Tavarnelle - CortonaPh. 115
Environmental Health Service (Sei)Ph. +39 800 127484
ENEL electrical damagesPh. +39 800 900860
Nuove Acque (Waterworks Management)Ph. +39 800 391739

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